Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Do you know those days? When everything is just ARGH?
It doesn't matter WHAT happens, it's just not right? Well today is one of those days.

All I want to do is take my book and hide under the duvet, and in theory there is noone to stop me from doing so... but I wanted to go to the gym, do some vacuum cleaning, cook, so instead of doing any of that I sit in front of my computer and stare at a worldmap. Not just any worldmap but a Hobo-Dyer Projection map:


By courtesy of:East Asia in Geographic Perspective.

European coutries never seem particularly impressive when looking at a world map but this map just makes them look like little blobs in a corner, unimportant on the scale of the world. Nevertheless they are still our world.

But an even better map (in my eyes) is this one:


By courtesy of:East Asia in Geographic Perspective.

The Peter's projection map is an "equal area" map which means that it keeps the real proportions as far as is possible while representing a Globe on a flat piece of paper.

Anyway this is not meant to be a geography lesson. The reason I am staring at these maps is that I long to be somewhere else. Ideally as far as possible from this place. I wish to pack my bag and go. I already know where I want to go. I just need the money and the time. The time will come soon, the money is another matter.

As for my destinations:


And all the way down to Melbourne to fly back home.

It's a lot but It promises to be absolutely stunnin! Give me a bikini, a pair of shorts, some jeans, good shoes, a backpack and 1000€ and I'm gone tomorrow (actually I'd probably need more for the flights but let's just ignore that detail).
Until I can go there is a lot to do. I need to save up, get visas, buy a videocamera and get used to blogging and writing things that are interesting and make sense.

When I'm at work I can think of thousands of things but as soon as I get home... all gone.

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